Unable to connect to the database.Unable to change databases.Unable to perform the query 'select hp.part_no, IF(hp.unified='', 'not found', hp.unified) as unified, IF(pn.stock_quantity is null, 0, pn.stock_quantity) as stock_quantity from honda_parts hp left join part_numbers pn on pn.part_no = hp.part_no where hp.part_no = 'home''.Unable to connect to the database.Unable to change databases.Unable to perform the query 'select hp.part_no, IF(hp.unified='', 'not found', hp.unified) as unified, IF(pn.stock_quantity is null, 0, pn.stock_quantity) as stock_quantity from parts2 hp left join part_numbers pn on pn.part_no = hp.part_no where hp.part_no = 'home''.Unable to connect to the database.Unable to change databases.Unable to perform the query 'select distinct(main_category) from parts where replace(replace(main_category, ' ', '-'), '/', '') = 'home''.No query specified. David Silver Spares USA - HOME

Honda Parts Specialist since 1986

Biggest source of Obsolete Honda parts in the USA.
We have many more 1000s of genuine Honda parts for vintage Honda motorcycles including many rare, discontinued and obsolete parts waiting to be listed. These will be added to this site as our staff work through them. We will also be building up our stock of pattern and replica spares. 

Search using the Honda part number, or, if you don't know the Honda part number or would just like to browse the list of parts we have for your Honda, you can Search by model.